DOH! Network

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Welcome to the DOH! Network — The Official Website of Johnny Leche.

Tuesday November 08, 2016
The DOH! Network is almost completely secured. The latest piece to the puzzle was getting the calls to CDN APIs to load. Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" needs to be added to the servers httpd-ssl.conf file. All that is remaining is fixing the calls to the GameDig file for the DOH! Network Game Servers page.
And the secure site is down. That didn't take long. Not sure what happened there.
And it's back without me doing anything. I was thinking the secure certificates had expired already or something.
Sunday November 06, 2016
Finally got around to fixing the server time in PHP pages like the DOH! Network Stats page. The "Completed at..." dates were off by 8 hours because the timezone was not set in the php.ini. Turns out I have two php.ini files and I was updating the wrong one when I set the date.timezone = "America/Los_Angeles". Update the right one and the dates are showing correctly now. Get a complete list of PHP supported timezones over on
Coming soon to the DOH! Network... SSL. Thanks to SSL For Free and Let's Encrypt the DOH! Network is almost set up to be secure from some forms of website hacking. There's a few more things to iron out but Font Awesome is not one of them thanks to David Walsh's post on Serving Fonts from CDN. Specifically the part about updating Apache's config... <FilesMatch ".(eot|ttf|otf|woff)"> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" </FilesMatch> Adding that to Apache's httpd.conf and restarting the server allows local Font Awesome fonts to load without issue. Now to figure out what's up with Johnny.
Saturday November 05, 2016
Update on the Angular filter from Wednesday... It didn't work. Luckily I didn't need to do a filter anyway as I was able to insert the label from the resource file instead of having Angular do it. Problem solved.
The DOH! Network code sample lab is back with an all new code sample. I am working on a grid at work with a lot of rows with checkboxes in them and I thought it would be cool to write a script to let you shift select multiple checkboxes like GMail does. So check out the lab for the new sample code. All the other samples that were in there have been removed because they were pretty bad. Hopefully I don't think this one is pretty bad in a couple of months.
Wednesday November 02, 2016
This better work when I implement it at work tomorrow because I swear I tried this today and it did not work. To add an Angular filter to convert ascii characters for use in a title attribute, set up your element's title attribute as ng-attr-title="{{'Best&#228;tigen' | fnFixRichText}}". Then add a filter to your module... angular.module('myApp', []).filter('fnFixRichText', ['$sce', function($sce) { return function(input) { return $sce.trustAsHtml(input); }; }]) That will hopefully return "Bestätigen" ("Certify" in German). The reason I don't think it will work is because my browser is converting &#228; to ä just fine.
Tuesday November 01, 2016
Did clip-path get removed from all web browsers? I was using it for some nice wedge shapes on a section of the site but, a couple of days ago, I noticed it no longer works. I swear I saw it working on the latest IE, Firefox and Chrome browsers but now says it has limited support for Firefox and Chrome and no support at all from IE. Weird. I had to convert the 'NEW' tag to a corner widget with a rounded border for now and now the Movies page will show a 'PREVIOULSY VIEWED' tag if you have clicked on them before.