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Certificates may be updated. I ran...certbot certonly --force-renew -d -d -d -d -d -d It returned some secure cert names that didn't exist. I created files with those names and put the name in each file. Ran the script again and CertBot returned a success message. Fingers crossed.

Valve updated the Counter-Strike site to add a bunch of new info about Counter-Strike 2 and started a limited test. People who have played a lot of Counter-Strike or Counter-Strike: Go were invited pretty quick and had have some hands on time. I am not one of those people because I haven't played in a while so I will have to wait for it to go live. The game has improved graphics to existing levels rebuilt from the ground up, fancier smoke grenades that react to lighting, gun fire and explosions, and a better tracking system that should improve shooting. This last part has me worried as I was already dying pretty quick. Now the enemy can be even more accurate? great!

Haven't played X-Com 2 in over a year because I got stuck on a level where I have to rescue a scientist but mid-way through the map, I got stuck battling a giant mech. I finally tried to try again and kept reloading when my troops were killed or badly wounded while trying new strategies. And then after about twenty tries, I got lucky when my second trooper, the sniper, to move took out the robot with a lightning shot and scoped sniper shot. Quick save and then run across the roofs and I managed to complete it. I missed three enemies in the process but went back to my previous save and managed to take them out as well with only a little poisoning.