DOH! Network

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Welcome to the DOH! Network — The Official Website of Johnny Leche.

DOH! Just spent too long trying to trouble shoot the code in Kevin Powell's Focus by Negation code challenge. Could not figure out why the fading was not working. Looking in the comments somebody pointed out arg does not work in Chrome yet. Only Firefox and Safari. Tried it in Firefox and sure enough it worked as expected. Kevin must have some experimental toggle on. Now to figure out where I can use this effect in the site.

Get ready Overwatch fans! Aaron Keller announced over on Overwatch's Director's Take that there will be a mini-competitive 6v6 season some time during season 15. I personally don't think 6v6 is what made Overwatch great. It was the teamwork required where defense defended and everybody was not diving. Plus OG Orisa and Bastion. If they could bring back claqssic Overwatch right before the release of Overwatch 2, that would be great. Aaron also mentioned the Overwatch 2 Spotlight coming February 12 that supposedly features 'groundbreaking PVP gameplay changes'! No idea what it is. Maybe Overwatch Classic from right before the launch of Overwatch 2. That would be nice.

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