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Saturday March 24, 2018
Pro Coder Lift Tip: If you are trying to mock up a quick Angular controller to get a UI Select dropdown menu to try something on, don't name your quick component uiSelect. You will probably end up overwriting Angular's UI Select js with your controller js. Duh!
Wednesday March 21, 2018
Managed to get another couple of Plays of the Game with heroes I don't usually play. Check out this Winston Play of the Game and Reaper Play of the Game. Not sure what's up with my computer though. When I tried to export at 1080p, the pc crashed.
Friday March 16, 2018
Finally figured out my problems with setting up an IIS server to start doing some TypeScript. I thought the problem was a permission issue but it turns out PHP was messed up.
Saturday March 10, 2018
Didn't think I could ever get Play of the Game in Overwatch with Symmetra, at least not without a lot of practice, but both teams must have been pretty bad because I won with this Symmetra Play of the Game. The game mode was Mystery Heroes where you spawn as a new character every time you die.
Also got an MVP card as Junkrat for being on fire for 59% of the match. Don't know how I did that.
The quest to buy up all the 25 buck voice lines is almost complete with only 3 more characters left. 4 once Brigitte is added to the roster. Then it's on to buying all the 25 dollar sprays. I bag on Overwatch for constantly awarding me all sprays when I open loot boxes but it's actually saving me having to purchase them so sure, keep those sprays coming. Soon I will have them all and will be more likely to get skins or high price items.
Sunday March 04, 2018
Wouldn't you know it. Setting up Gulp, TypeScript and Sass was not my biggest difficulty. My troubles came from IIS that I had set up previously without issues.
Saturday March 03, 2018
Coming off a week of doing TypeScript and Sass at work I am feeeling like i should code something today. KNowing that I will probably spend all day trying to get gulp working to compile TypeScript or Sass makes me think I would probably feel more accomplished if I just played Overwatch and got some loot crates.
Friday March 02, 2018
Amazing! I have been playing so much Overwatch lately that I haven't played any Steam games long enough to populate the DOH! Network Stats page casusing that page to break for lack of data. The problem has been resolved so it will show a message that I haven't played in a while but I should probably look into making it show like all time stats instead of limiting it to the last month like it currently does.