It's time to play 'How Can My Code Break This Time'!!! Today's epsiode: All trailers on the DOH! Network Movies page that are coming to theaters in the next year are all listed as December of next year. What's up with that? After trying to troubleshoot and having the broken text on any movies become 'In Theaters Now', the issue was a date checker for the catch all. } else if ($month > date('n')
$year === date('Y') + 1) { should have had a check for greater than the current year. } else if (($month > date('n')
$year === date('Y') + 1)
$year > date('Y')) {. Problem solved until the next time it breaks.
Steam is hosting a 'DOOM' free weekend this weekend so I took some time to try it out. I'm still using an GeForce GTX 460 so I am at a little bit of a disadvantage but it did run... for a bit. First try... I was able to escape the base and make it out onto the surface of Mars and then back into another section without any issues. It was a little choppy but that's to be expected with a 7 year old card. that it made it that far was pretty impressive. The game is pretty good so far. I didn't get to any of the really impressive enemies seen in trailers and screenshots but the battles were fun. Does it match up to the original DOOM? Heck yea! And even better. Fast paced action. I was picking off 'The Possessed' and 'Possessed Engineer' with pistol headshots and the shotgun did a nice job on the 'Imps' and 'Possessed Soldier'. I managed to find a chainsaw but couldn't figure out how to work it. The second visit to Mars didn't go as well. After crashing a couple of times on start, the game was not loading textures and was chugging. I need a new videocard. Gameplay reminded me of 'Rage' where the textures were all smudgy and made it hard to see what was going on and then eventually crashed out. I didn't get a chance to check out the multiplayer part of the game and there's a level editor built in. Hopefully a new videocard is in my future so I can spend more time on Mars. Maybe before the next Steam sale.
Did some coding this weekend. Every three months the SSL certificates on the site have to be updated and that requires downloading a bunch of files, uploading them to a bunch of folders, and changing the certs. There are bots to do this for you but I haven't been able to get them to work with my flavor of Linux. While I still have to download files and upload them to the server, the sorting to the different folders is now automated taking the biggest pain part out of the process. Next, will be to make the process rewrite the certs and figure out why it can't just download the certs from SSL For Free's site. Plus now the site gives me a notification when the time to update gets near. Check out SSL For Free and secure your site today.
Comic-Con is wrapping up and there have been a lot of great trailers to come from it. Check out the DOH! Network Movies for a list of them plus other upcoming movies!
One of the guys at work helped out with some coding the other day at work and added a document loader to an 'Add Item' modal using Angular. It was all good but when creating a new item, the module didn't have the item id yet so a placeholder endpoint was used. It worked for a bit and then something happened that made it stop working. One of the other guys tried to fix it after I left for the day and then told me the next morning he spent like 3 hours trying to fix it with no luck and asked if I could take a look. I was thinking 'Great! Took him a couple of hours and he couldn't figure it out. There goes my day.' Turns out it only took like 5 minutes because the document module was loading with the intial load of the modal but wasn't needed until the new item was saved. Switched the ngShow to ngIf and the ngIf was triggered by the onSave event when the new item id was set. So remember kids, Angular's ngShow renders elements right away and hides them where ngIf renders the element when it's needed.
This guy has some really nice tricks. He looks like he could be in my age bracket too which is inspiring me to go out and try to do some double tailwhips again.
R Willie is amazing on a scooter or bicycle. Check out his latest video, 'Ryan Williams Web Edit 3' featuring a bunch of never before seen tricks.