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Saturday September 30, 2017
I think mentioned this before but after spending almost an entire day trying to figure out Angular's $watch and $digest to get a dropdown menu to update with an updated list of options, I went in to work the next day and remembered ng-if. Ng-if will wait until all data is et before rendering an element to the DOM so if you are like me and have some but not all data and the other data is coming any second now, try ng-if'ing your element.
Friday September 15, 2017
Monday September 11, 2017
I noticed while surfing the Overwatch forums that the Widowmaker Noire skin was available with preorders of the game and people were asking if there was a way to get it after the games release. I can confirm it is possible to get the Widowmaker Noire skin in a lootbox as of September 2017. It may have been available earlier but I just got it a couple of days ago. So hopefully it is possible to get all the skins you may have missed from previous events. Sweet!
Saturday September 09, 2017
A couple of months back I started having server problems. The power supply started cutting out every now and then. I did something to fix the problem. I thought changing the power supply with another computer but now I'm wondering if I just switched to the other computer and the other computer was older because now I can't run a Team Fortress 2 server. Add to that that the Plex and Squeezebox servers keep dying. Now I have a couple of extra computers that use to be set up in the previous house when I had the room for 3 computers et up side by side by side for mini-lans but now that I don't have that much room, they are sitting in the garage. I think I might have to sacrifice one of those PCs to build a new server and see if that fixes my issues. It may not be so bad as I think my old gaming PC still works so if I ever could set up multiple PCs, I would have at least 3. Now to find the motivation to actually do it.
Monday September 04, 2017
First time playing Junkrat the other day on Overwatch and got "Play of the Game". Nice! I wonder if the quality of your videocard affects the quality of the video output when capturing "Plays of the Game". Currently, my settings are at the highest level but my YouTube videos never look as good as some of the Overwatch videos other people post.