DOH! Network

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  • Johnny Leche

Welcome to the DOH! Network — The Official Website of Johnny Leche.

I may have aquired a new domain name or two. They may only be temporary but I have content posted there that is a work in progress so I am not posting the names yet. Thought I would add them to my secure certificates so they are secure but something about Let's Encrypt never goes right when ever I try to do something with it. I tried Let's Encrypt, Acme PHP, and Dehydrated and they did work at one time but it seems like every time I try to update certificates, something goes wrong and I have to find a new way to set them up. Currently I get a 403 error when trying to use Dehydrated (see Alien Pastures 'Dehydrated' set up tutorial) on the new domain name. The Alien Pastures method had me set up a global file so I would not need the .well-known/acme-challenge files but when I deleted the QuakePark ones, stopped working. I was able to get that working again at least in Firefox. Chrome is still not loading it but the new domains still fail to get certificates.

Huzzah! Is the site fixed? I think it is. Stumbling around lst night, I discovered port 443 for ssl was not open with an online port checker. Turns out I needed to open it in the router settings. There was nothing wrong on the server. I don't recall ever doing that in the past so all those times I thought ssl was working were probably while was on the intenal network and I never tried it live.

Managed to fix the Steam rating slast night as well. The trick there is not to try and do anything with php dateTime and just convert all dates to time with strtotime

Now I should go through and rewrite all the code since I have so many errors in the log files.

It's been a week and I still haven't been able to figure out the ssl stuff. I probably did something that has broken something else and just haven't realized it yet. I feel like reinstalling the OS again because I am so annoyed. I've gone through Alien Pasture's 'Using Let’s Encrypt to Secure your Slackware webserver with HTTPS' how-to a couple of times now and it's easy enough to follow along with but there is something I'm missing somewhere. I have been spending a lot of time in the log files and that's made me realize the site has a lot of issues. If I wasn't struck trying to fix the ssl issues, I would be rebuilding the site from scratch to ensure I didn't have so many errors.

I did update PHP to the latest version successfully but it looks like that broke the Steam Games Stats page. And the Steam API is really annoying me. It use to be you could get one api to return a bunch of info for use in status monitors and achievements but privacy issues killed that. It looks like there may be a group of servers that manage that data and one of them didn't get updated so every now and then I might be able to retrieve ingame statuses but only on some players. And PHP really stinks at trying to compare dates. I spent many hours yesterday trying to make something with the Steam memberSince parameter but it's not as easy as doing it with javascript.

And of course the multiple reboots broke Plex. It probably needs an update anyway.

Update from Little Leche: The secure site is not working outside of the internal network. DOH! I'm starting to wonder if it ever worked. I can see it secure on the internal network but did I ever try it externally? I don't know.

Ok. Although AcmePhp said I might not need 'cert.pem', I did need it for 'SSLCertificateFile' in my SSL Virtual Host. Site should be secure now (https) but you may still be able to hit it at http. I tried adding redirects for the DOH! Network and QuakePark to secure them but they don't appear to be working when typed in. More investigation needed there but I will look into that later.

I really need to back up the server files I have updated since reinstall so I don't lose all the changes I had to make.

Another month, another bunch of issues. The secure certificates are broken again. Running the command I found last time didn't do anything this time. I have spent two days trying to get all new certificates and finally got that working only to find that if I enable SSL in Apache, Apache won't start. If you can not hit the '.well-known/acme-challenge' file when trying to validate that you own the server, checck that your httpd.conf file didn't get updated with a short cut for '.well-known/acme-challenge' to another location. Tha's what happened to me.

I also forgot to set up the SQL database for the Johnny Dress Up app and once I did, the app could not get data from or update on change the database.

Then I go to work today and the API I call for a security token on my pages won't return the token.

And I thought I fixed the date on the server but the last day of teh month still reverts to the first day of the next month so I am typing this update in October but it will show up as November!