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Welcome to the DOH! Network — The Official Website of Johnny Leche.

I need to be better at just stopping playing Overwatch when I have like 3 losses in a row because that is a good sign that when I finish playing, I will have 10 losses and 0 wins. I don't know why. While my team mates aren't bad, we just don't do well together and even though new players join the team as others leave, it rarely turns into a winning team.

Looks like I will not be able to pick up the Orisa (5 hrs) and Ashe (10 hrs) skins for August by watching extra September matches as I watched the last two days after earning both the Pharah (5 hrs) and Ana (10 hrs). That I received those two skins tells me I am viewing the matches correctly. No point in watching the rest of the matches now as I won't be able to get the complete set.

First skin down. Managed to get Pharah by watching a match today and one a couple of days ago. I might be an hour or two into the 10 minus the first 5 from Pharah needed to get Ana plus I have another 9 tabs standing by with other matches on YouTube ready to go. I may be able to get those two missing skins in three days with 4 matches to spare.

DOH! I missed the Orisa (5 hrs) and Ashe (10 hrs) Overwatch Contenders skins for August. It's nice with the Overwatch League matches where you can watch on the YouTube Contenders page and the video stream starts automatically so you can earn tokens to use on League skins but with Contenders, you have to watch it on the official Contenders site even though it is broadcast on YouTube with chat capabilities. And then you can't even watch the Chinese feeds even though they are displayed on the schedule. Fingers crossed I can rack up enough hours in September to get the two new skins, Pharah (5 hrs) and Ana (10 hrs) plus the previous two.

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