Talked to Amazing Barry the other day and he mentioned he was getting AT&T fiber with 'speeds up to 300Mbps' for '$35/mo. plus taxes & equip. fee'. That got me thinking maybe I should upgrade. I haven't checked my current speeds in a while but AT&T might be cheaper even with their $10 equipment fee. Plus, it looks like AT&T will let you purchase a static ip to host a server. I haven't had issues with my current speeds but I'm not sure I can host my own server as I haven't seen it specifically stated that I can host a server. Will have to look into this some more so I can get the DOH! network online again and grow my viewer base to more than 2. I might be more motivated if I was retired and had more free time. This working stuff really puts a crimp in my goofing around.
I was thinking I should do a poll on what size monitors my 2 DOH! Network viewers are using and was thinking do I want to set up a database for it or just use a text file and that got me thinking back to the days when I worked on Disney Channel websites and how I had to go into the scores for the site games and remove fake scores some hacker would post to get the number 1 spot every couple of days. Some guy figured out how to hack the scores and give himself the highest possible score so he was always at the top of the leader board. I wonder what that guy is doing now. I haven't visited a Disney website in years. Do they even have games with scoreboards any more? I don't care enough to go look apparently.
Finally took a break from Overwatch to play some other games. Got back into XCOM 2 and ranking my soldiers up pretty well. Still frustrating to walk right up to a baddie and shoot him point blank and completely miss though. Picked up Darksiders III a while ago when it was on sale on Steam. Need to go back and finish Darksiders II before I play it though. Need to turn down the skill level because I have been stuck in the same spot for about a year and a half. Same with Doom (2016). After playing the same level for so long, it's just not fun anymore.
I keep thinking I need a new monitor to enjoy the better than 60hz refresh rate. Supposedly 144hz is so much better but now there are 240hz and 360hz monitors with 1ms response times that are cutting edge but after having a 32' monitor, I don't want to have to go back to a 24' monitor just to get 360hz. Hopefully, some 32' monitors with 360hz are coming soon and not cost thousands of dollars. Built in speakers would be nice too. Then a new RTX videocard or two would be nice.