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Welcome to the DOH! Network — The Official Website of Johnny Leche.

Finally figured out the secret to killing Pinkies in Doom (2016) is to use the triple gatling gun. That let me save my BFG for later in the level and I was finally able to beat all the baddies. Until I called the elevator and two Barons of Hell arrived and promptly killed me. Doom (2016) doesn't let you switch skill levels so I was stuck in 'Hurt Me Plenty' but now that I know the better weapon to use, I was excited to go back in and see if I could finally get out of the section I have been stuck in for about six months but then my save got corrupted so now I will have to start from scratch. Maybe I will turn the skill level down this time.

I was able to turn the skill level down in Darksiders II at least and get past the part I have been stuck on for like eighteen months so now I am on the easiest level and managed to get through the tough spot but used up all my power ups and potions and then the next section has me fighting a huge bug and after I just brarely survived slaying him, two more spawned and I died. Is there an easier mode than easy please?

Maybe coding will be better. I was working on a fix for a modal on Friday and I thought I figured out how to fix it and it looked like it was working but now I am thinking was I on the right page when I viewed it on Friday? The issue is focusing on the close window when an iframe opens and somebody else made a fix to make that work on initial load but then the iframe content changes and I need to tell the iframe when it loads to focus on the parent close button. Did I see it working on the second page or was I still on the first page? I'm not going to log in now. I will check it in the morning but I really hope it is still working because I have been spending too much time on stupid easy issues lately and the cut off for the next release is coming this week.

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