Day 8 yesterday. I think I'm right where I need to be now in Overwatch. Had a couple of wins and a couple of losses. The matches were pretty close and not like the previous matches where we couldn't get very far from the spawn point. We'll have to see if that continues tonight or I get botted to the difficult setting again.
All these Overwatch losses have resulted in the most posts per month in a long time. Leaving after a couple of losses has forced me to work on the redesign. Things are progresssing nicely. I have a two months of news converted to json format and have been able to troubleshoot a couple of issues with the format. The new site will load the monthly news using XHR calls so a page refresh won't be needed every time you click the news navigation buttons.
Day 7. I thought things might be turning around after two wins but then a couple of losses later, I wasn't interested anymore and left the game.
Day 6. Two games. Destroyed again. I did go back and play a couple of games yesterday and did manage to get one win but for the most part, we were lucky to take the point for a little bit before being pummeled.
Day 5. Two games. Destroyed.
On the plus side, I have been quitting the game and working on a php redesign of the site and found an issue with the news format that would have messed up the keywords for each news post. That is fixed now.
Day 4 of the losing streak in Overwatch. I started to win some so the algorithm must have thought I was in a little too high of a skills group and bumped me down a little. Day 5 it decided no, it had it right and put me in the higher skill set again and the losing continues. I am getting better at quitting only three or four games into the losing though so that's good.
Day 3 of being in a higher skill level group in Overwatch. Still losing every round although I may be down a little in that at least my team can get within inches of winning before we are defeated. Making progress on the site redesign. The news from an api is loading. Working on the "Previous", "Current Month", and "Next" buttons.
What is up with the algorithm that picks my team and the enemy team on Overwatch? Some days I have a really good experience and then other days, it's nothing but loss after loss. Even if I quit for a while and come back, the losing will continue. My theory is on my really good days, the algorithm looks at my game play and says 'This guy's pretty good. Let's move him up to a higher tier' and then I play in that tier and get destroyed and the algorithm says 'This guy's not so good. We should move him to a lower tier in a day or two' so Ihave a couple of days of losing pretty much every round and just about when I am ready to stop playing, I do really well and get sucked back in. I need to learn to quit after a couple of losses but I'm losing at my other single player games too. Maybe I'll go do some nice relaxing php/json api stuff. Oh that's right. I can't get the date to display in the format I prefer using localization.
UPDATE: I got the date format I want. It may work in other locale too but I'm too annoyed it took this long to figure out the format to test the locale.
I need to update the website. My YouTube feed is full of videos of guys coding responsive pages or doing cool things with css and it gives me all kinds of ideas. If I just had the time to actually implement these ideas, I'd have a pretty cool website. But having a job sucks up a big chunk of time and then when I log off from work, I would rather play videogames than do more coding. One thing I'm thinking about to make the site easier to update is converting all the news items to json files. Currently, they are like text files ingested by php to display in a page including the wrapping html elements. Making them a json file would allow me to just have news without any styling and when I update the site, I can change the elements completely without having to modify all the news. Then it should be easier to re-write the templates that display the news and make them responsive so they look good on desktop and mobile. It would also make it easier to put in a database. But first, time to play some videogames.
Happy New Year from everybody here at the DOH! Network!