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Welcome to the DOH! Network — The Official Website of Johnny Leche.

Looks like Wondergirl has found her own NOPAL. Got a shweet new banner over on her site.

NOPAL has made the switch to DSL Extreme. The DNS change should be taking affect any day now.

Shaka has shut down all his game servers in a move to conserve bandwidth.

Grapple hates Soldier of Fortune II and would really like to kick everybody's butts on Unreal Tournament 2003.

And major egrep news!!! The Pirkster is trying to quit smoking. Good luck buddy. We're all rootin' for ya to rbeak that habit.

Doh! Wondergirl's site got hacked with some anti-war propoganda today. She's got her site back up but lost some data because of the hacker.

H@rpo is gettin' jiggy wid da HTML and has been working on updating his site.

NOPAL got his new modem from DSL Extreme and should be switching over some time this week.

Shaka and Nectarine celebrated their 1 year anniversary on Monday.

egrep is having LAN thoughts.

<jamesBrown>Shaka's got a brand new blog</jamesBrown>. Shaka just did a major overhaul to his site and is now sportin' a Movable Type blog. It's still geting some tweaking done to it but it's open for business so check it.

NOPAL is making the switch from cable to DSL so watch for that some time next week.

New World Order demo v1.4 & Restaurant map are now available for download over on This is a brand new FPS engine created by Termite Games and it looks pretty good. Check out some screenshots on or the official New World Order site.

Another demo out now is Line of Sight: Vietnam. I downloaded it the other day but haven't had a chance to check it out yet. Hopefully this weekend I will have some time and give you my review. For screenshots, click here. (3D Gamers)

A demo for Devastation was supposed to be released today but I guess the developers got hung up fixing some bugs so look for that one tomorrow. For now check out the screenshots of this new FPS shooter that uses heavily modified, next-generation Unreal Engine tech. (Action Trip)

Warner Brothers has unleashed an all-new 4 minutes + trailer for the Animatrix. Check it out here. (Mr Blue 365R)

I'm off to read 'I Am Legend' by Richard Matheson

The paintball match went well yesterday. I think a good time was had by all. Woulda been nice if NOPAL hadn't picked the rainiest day of the year to play. I had a couple of good kills. One was right to the side of an EA guy's head from about 30 feet. I also took a shot right in the face from about the same distance though. I think the rain improved our chances against EA as they were using strategy and we were pretty much just running around looking for something to shoot as was apparent by the number of guys on our team that wereshooting their own players.

MTV has a special on tonight at 10 about professional video game players. Could be interesting.

I have never been so sick that I couldn't get up and do something during the day until my daughter started bringing home sicknesses. Twice now she has gotten me sick to the point where I sleep all day. I'm just now getting over her most recent illness. Still have the runny nose/hacking cough but the killer head pain seems to have passed.

Congrats goes out to Wondergirl on her marriage to Purple Bud Smoker today.

Feeling old school? Rockstar Games has made the original Grand Theft Auto free for download from their site.

Been having trouble with Unreal Tournament 2003 the last couple of days. Found a fix on the Infogrames messageboard that seems to have worked. This is for motherboards with VIA chipsets only. Check it out.

The new OSP v1.03 for Quake 3 is now available over on the Orange Smoothie site. I am downloading it now and will probably set it up on Harpo's Bizarre tomorrow. You can download it too over on the official Orange Smoothie Productions site.

Chris Rock is the Head of State.

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